• Thundercat interview with Sama'an Ashrawi on The Nostalgia Mixtape Nataly Menjivar

The Thundercat Episode

By | 2020-04-20T20:18:26+00:00 April 16th, 2020|Creative|

Thundercat's Nostalgia Mixtape poster art by Nataly Menjivar. Thundercat meets host Sama'an Ashrawi at the campfire to tell the story of how hearing Flying Lotus' "Massage Situation" in a laundromat as a teen [...]

The Nostalgia Mixtape: Season 2 Primer

By | 2020-04-13T22:15:20+00:00 April 12th, 2020|Creative|

Get up to speed with our season 2 primer, and, if you can, drop us a donation here. https://soundcloud.com/nostalgiatapes/nostalgia-mixtape-season-2-primer Sama'an: Hello World, I know you could all use some good news right about now. [...]

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